Environmental Assessment and Management Framework (EMF)
Agricultural growth in Odisha has been comparatively low to ensure long-term food security. A reasonable agriculture growth may contribute to reducing malnutrition and poverty, especially in rural areas, where more than 80 percent of the state's poor reside. Dilapidated irrigation structures, inadequate management of water and effect of climate change has also crippled agricultural productivity in Odisha. Govt. of Odisha through Orissa Community Tank Development and Management Society (OCTDMS) is preparing "Odisha Integrated Irrigation Project for Climate Resilient Agriculture" with financial support from the World Bank, to increase farm productivity and increase household income in a sustainable manner...
Project Appraisal Document
India's growth remains robust but has moderated from prior high levels in the past fiscal year (FY18/19). After growing at 7.2 percent in FY17/18, economic growth slowed to 6.8 percent in FY 18/19, with quarterly growth falling to 5.8 percent (y-o-y) in Q4. Growth remains broad-based, but the impact of accelerating industrial growth was counterbalanced by decelerations in services and agriculture growth, on the production side. On the demand side, consumption has been bolstered by public spending, but investment growth has decelerated.
Project Implementation Plan
Odisha economy which is primarily agrarian, is undergoing rapid transformation. The per capita income of the state has increased by 30 percent between 2012-17 period. However, the most critical sector, agriculture, which is source of livelihood for more that 62 percent of the people, suffers from various challenges. These includes (a) small landholding (b) less diversification (c) erratic monsoon (d) frequent extreme weather events, (e) price realisation of the produced commodities, (f) value addition of agricultural / horticultural commodities etc. To enhance productivity and to address climate variability and change for farm income stability, irrigation and water productivity management play a critical role.
Social Assessment and Management Framework (SMF)
Project Background: The Government of Odisha is planning to implement Odisha Integrated Irrigation Project for Climate Resilient Agriculture (OIIPCRA), with the support from the World Bank, to address climate vulnerability, focusing more on drought related vulnerability. The Project Development Objective is "to intensify and diversify agriculture production, enhance climate resilience and improve water productivity in selected cascades of Odisha". The project has following three components, to meet the Project Development Objective (PDO).
OIIPCRA Silt Management Plan (SMP)
This Silt Management Plan is an amendment to the EMP to take-up tank de-silting activity under civil works in the project Component-2A. The Silt Management Plan (SMP) is prepared for the implementing departmental officers, the executing agencies/ contractors and the stake holder farmers and other entities who are considered as beneficiaries to the activity under the Environment Management Framework of OIIPCRA. The SMP is mandated to be adopted under the project where de-siltation of tanks is envisaged as a part of civil works.
Government of Odisha is implementing the World Bank supported Odisha Integrated Irrigation Project for Climate Resilient Agriculture (OIIPCRA) through the Department of Water Resources (DoWR). The Govt. of India in the Department of Economic Affairs (DEA), in the Ministry of Finance, has approved the OIIPCRA on 23.2.2017. The cost outlay of the project is US$ 235.54 Million (Rs. 1,683 Cr) out of which US$ 165.00 Million (Rs. 1,179 Cr) is funded through World Bank (IBRD Loan) assistance at 70:30 (Centre: State) cost sharing. The period of implementation of the project is 6 Years from 2019-20 to 2024-25.
Financial Manual - OIIPCRA
This document is the "Financial Management Manual" for the Odisha Integrated Irrigation Project for Climate Resilient Agriculture (OIIPCRA). This manual shall come into effect from the date of its approval by the Government. Any provision not covered under this manual shall be decided by the Governing Body of OCTDMS and / or appropriate authority assigned by the Government...
Project Procurement Strategy For Development (PPSD)
The Project Procurement Strategy for Development (PPSD) document for OIIPCRA Project is prepared based on the World Bank's Procurement Regulations for IPF Projects dated July 2016 revised August 2018. The objective of the PPSD is to determine the optimum procurement approach to be adopted for the Project to deliver the right procurement result. The PPSD has taken into consideration inter alia the market situation, the operational context, previous experience and the residual risks.
Procurement Manual
The Orissa community tank development and management society has been registered under the registration of societies Act XXI of 1860 through the certificate issued under No- 22390/118 of 2006-07 with the objective of improving tank-based livelihood and strengthening community management of selected tank systems". The first project under taken by the society i.e. OCTMP (Odisha community tank management project) has been completed successfully and now again the body has undergone another agreement with World Bank for support to implement the OIIPCRA (Odisha Integrated Irrigation for Climate Resilient Agriculture)with an objective to "improve water use efficiency, enhance agriculture productivity and climate resilience in selected basins and sub-basins". The state level society has full autonomy for the successful implementation of the project.
Technical Manual
Odisha State's agriculture sector suffers from recurring natural calamities like droughts, cyclones. The poor farmers are not able to increase their leaving standards. Water for irrigating the crops is most important for farmers and crucial to the development. Climate change and its impacts in terms more frequent floods, reduction of rainy days, increasing temperature leading higher water requirement for crops, delayed monsoon, early withdrawal of monsoon is going the further add to the difficulties and constrains for sustained growth trajectory of agriculture. Water management needs to be improved in the state so that access to water for farmers throughout year increases...
Tribal People's Planning Framework
Project Background: The Government of Odisha is planning to implement Odisha Integrated Irrigation Project for Climate Resilient Agriculture (OIIPCRA), with the support from the World Bank, to address climate vulnerability, focusing more on drought related vulnerability. The Project Development Objective is "to intensify and diversify agriculture production, enhance climate resilience and improve water productivity in selected cascades of Odisha". The proposed project will focus on small and marginal farmers, Water Users Associations (WUA / PP), Farmer Producer Organizations (FPO / FPC) and other agricultural entrepreneurs, including women and other vulnerable groups...
Water User Association Pani Panchayat Manual(WUAPPM)
The Government of Odisha has been emphasizing upon improving irriga on coverage through water conserva on, distribu on and management of both surface and ground water in order to augment agricultural produc on and produc vity. In this context, the Department of Water Resources, Govt. of Odisha has proposed to take up OIIPCRA project with the support of the World Bank. The proposed project would focus on improving irriga on performance of the cascades / tanks, a ending irriga on effi ciency, increasing crop water produc vity, climate change adapta on and making agriculture more resilient to adverse impacts of climate variability...
Water User Association Pani Panchayat Manual